Empowering students to pursue careers in rural health care.


Our objectives:

The DeWitt Family Health Care Scholarship is providing students at Susquehanna Community High School with a vehicle to pursue an education in health care at SUNY Broome, Binghamton University or a Pennsylvania based college or university. In 2016, the Foundation was created. The first scholarship was offered in the Spring of 2017.

"This scholarship will help students receive a quality education.  We are partnering with institutions that offer quality health care education at an affordable cost."  

— Dr. Warren S. DeWitt, Foundation President


The foundation supports students who will further their education and encourage recipients to pursue health care careers in our rural community. In partnering with the Susquehanna Community School District, the foundation hopes to encourage high academic achievement from its applicant pool. 


Our Mission

Our rural area is a medically underserved area for primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, mental health professionals and other health care professionals.  The best way to improve rural health care in our area is to train local students who intend to stay in their local area. The founder of this scholarship is a perfect example of this premise.